Signal-boosting a Worthy Cause: The Relay FM 2023 St. Jude Fundraiser

We here at Penquisition are proud for the small part that we are playing in the much larger efforts of our friends at Relay FM this September as they launch in to their annual fundraiser for St. Jude’s Children Hospital.

For the last couple of years now we have donated prizes to the large donation raffle put on by Brad Dowdy of the Pen Addict blog and podcast. Please check out this link for more details directly from Brad, and a list of all the awesome prizes he has available. If you look closely you’ll spot one of our PenDragon pen holders included in one of the bundles. And you should check back to Brad’s blog over the coming month, because he tends to add prizes as the month goes along (there might even be one or two more from us…)

There are many ways to go about donating to St. Jude to be a part of the funraiser, and all of them are awesome. This year we’ve set up a Penquisition referral link, just so we can see how many people we encourage and get a warm fuzzy feeling. Click here to donate.


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