Pensloth Kissaki 3-Layer Nib!!!
Last year at the D.C. Pen Show, I sat at a table and looked at some of the most insane nibs I could ever imagine. No, it was not something a major company was putting out, these were handmade nibs by my friend Jim Crawford a.k.a. Pensloth. Jim had begun experimenting with welding and cutting nibs to make different writing experiences the likes of which would make a mad scientist, with a fountain pen addiction, happy. Three-layer nibs, five-layer nibs, hammerhead shaped, stainless steel, gold, the list goes on. Jim graciously let me borrow one of his Kissaki 3-layer nibs to play with and review. Thank you Jim for sending this over to me, I will send it back shortly. If you are interested in getting your own Pensloth creation, check him out on his Instagram page. He currently makes nibs and offers them up for sale, but he does not take custom orders or commissions, so you must be ready to jump when you see something you like. Be sure to sign up for his waiting list through the link in his bio as well.
Construction: The Kissaki 3-layer nib is made from three JOWO #6 steel nibs that have been layered and welded together. The nib still fits the standard JOWO nib housing so it can fit in any pen that takes a JOWO nib, just be sure to check the cap clearance. Jim then grinds the nib to give it a crazy range of writing widths. Like a Naginata Togi nib, the width gets finer or wider depending on the angle you hold the pen. Reverse writing gives you an extra fine line, 90-degree or vertical gives you a fine line, and a normal 45-degree angle gives you somewhere around a broad to double broad!
Writing Experience: I figured that I would need a good amount of ink to put the nib through its paces, so I put it on an OPUS 88 Omar and filled it with Monteverde Caribbean Blue ink. It takes a moment for the nib to get saturated due to the size of the tipping, but it started up perfectly every time I uncapped the pen. The feed kept up wonderfully even with fast writing and changing the angle as I went. Jim did a beautiful job polishing the nib as it is buttery smooth on Rhodia paper and seems to sing slightly with wetter ink. I had this pen on my desk for a few days of meetings and I have drawings and doodles all over my notes as I found it almost impossible to put the pen down.
Price: This nib sells for $175 USD
Overall: This was one of the most enjoyable writing experiences that I have ever had with a non-standard nib. I think $175 for a handmade custom nib that can write in so many line widths is well worth the price. Every aspect of the grind and design is well thought out and you can tell by this attention to detail, that Jim puts his love and passion for the hobby into each nib. I will truly be sad to send this nib back, but I am honored that I was able to review one. If you want to change up your writing experience or add flair to your calligraphy, you need to get one of Jim’s nibs.