This website is a labor of love. If you love it too, and want to support us, here’s how you can:

  • The Penquisition Shop

    We love making stuff, from little pen rests, to giant pen blocks, to designing actual pens and beyond. If you buy some of the stuff we’ve made then we have more space to keep making stuff.

  • Custom Orders

    If you see something in our shop that isn’t quite what you’re looking for, we are always happy to take on a commission to make you exactly what you need. Our 3D printed items have a whole lot of leeway in how we produce them, and we’re open to new ideas on our wood items as well. In the past we’ve done all kinds of custom orders, ranging from just finding an elusive color, to designing a completely new product to suit a particular need. Let us know what you wish we were making, and we will see what we can do.

  • New List Stimara AffiliateItem

    Enjoy a 15% discount on Stimara products (like Stimagz) while also providing us with referral commission by clicking the link below.

  • Atlas Stationers Affiliate

    Do you shop at Atlas Stationers? If you do, and if you use our code, you can get 10% off of most purchases, and support our website in the process. Just use coupon code EVAN10, or click on the link below.

  • Endless Pens Affiliate

    If you shop with Endless Pens you can reach their site by clicking the link below and support us while you shop with them.

  • Amazon Associates

    If you are planning to shop at Amazon, you can do so after clicking the link below, and support us in the process.