The More Things Change…
Six years ago today, the Penqusition blog launched as an excuse for my father and I to bond over a shared project. In the early days, a few months before we launched, I had a very encouraging chance encounter with an established pen reviewer at the 2018 DC Pen Show. I told him what we had planned, and mentioned my uncertainties with being able to pull it off, and he was nothing but encouraging, offering to help me out any time. Over the years since then I have leaned on Eric “PenGeek13” Aycock quite a bit for advice and support along this journey, and he and his family have become close firends along the way (our daughters refer to each other as their “cousins”,) so I could not be more pleased to announce that Eric is coming onboard as a reviewer here at Penquisition.
As I write this, we are in the process of integrating Eric’s past reviews in to the site here, so that you can browse everythign all in one place (this will be completed by the time this announcement is published.) And moving forward, you can find reviews here by both myself and Eric. Maybe my father will even grace us with another review or two some day (to match the one or two that he published in the past.)
Eric and I have some big plans we are hoping to implement in the future, but everything else at Penquisition will also be continuing on as usual. We are looking forward to the Baltimore and DC pen shows in 2025, where we will continue to bring our established products as well as introducing new ideas (if you liked our fidgets at DC 2024, you’ll want to see what we have coming at Baltimore 2025.
I don’t want to get too wrapped up in teasing future projects, because plans will always evolve and change, but I’ll just say that I’m excited for what we have planned, and I’m excited to see where it goes and what it becomes. I’ve the last couple of years we’ve been rather light on blog posts, as we focused more on making things and product collaborations. Neither of those are going anywhere either, but we want to get back to writing reviews and other posts, and expanding our focus beyond pens and stationery to other items we enjoy or are curious about. Things we use and carry every day like flashlights and fidget tools and more.
so whether you’ve been following along for the past six years, or you somehow just stumbled on this blog for the first time ever (really, for this post? Oof.), thank you for your time and your support. All of us here at Penquisition are excited for the things to come, and we really hope you will be too.